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CFI monograph series

The series "CFI monograph series" publishes texts that reflect the activities of the centre. All texts are either by CFI members or people that have participated in events organised by the centre.

Copies of the papers may be obtained by contacting Niels Brügger, nb@dac.au.dk (while supplies last). Please supply your full mailing address (for the purpose of citation please note that the printed and electronic versions are identical). The publications in the series can also be downloaded free of charge from the table below.


Published papers:


Jun 2017

Jesper Tække & Michael Paulsen Digitalisation of education - the theory of the three waves abstract text
16 Aug 2015 Niels Brügger Humanities, Digital Humanities, Media Studies, Internet Studies: An Inaugural Lecture abstract text
15 Dec 2014 Jakob Linaa Jensen & Anne Scott Sørensen  Publicized modes of appearance and appropriate participation on Facebook abstract text
14 May 2012 Stine Lomborg (ed.) Network Analysis - Methodological Challenges abstract text
13 Jan 2010 Rikke Frank Jørgensen ICT as a tool for empowerment in Uganda abstract text
12 Jan 2010 Niels Brügger Website Analysis abstract text
11 Jan 2009 Jesper Tække Chat as a technically mediated social system abstract text
10 Jun 2007 Rune Dalgaard (ed.) Lev Manovich and the Language of New Media abstract text
09 Oct 2006 Anja Bechmann Petersen Mediediffusion abstract text
08 Nov 2004 Henrik Bødker The Changing Materiality of Music abstract text
07 Mar 2003 Jakob Linaa Jensen Den virtuelle politiske offentlighed – et dansk casestudie abstract text
06 Dec 2002 Anne Ellerup Nielsen Rhetorical Features of the Company Website abstract text
05 Apr 2002 Niels Brügger & Henrik Bødker (eds.) The Internet and Society?
Questioning Answers and Answering Questions
abstract text
04 Apr 2002 Jesper Tække & Berit Holmqvist Nyhedsgrupper set som
selvorganiserende interaktionssystemer
abstract text
03 Aug 2001 Wolfgang Kleinwächter Global Governance in
the Information Age
abstract text
02 Aug 2001 Niels Ole Finnemann The Internet
— A New Communicational
abstract text
01 Aug 2001 Mark Poster Print and Digital Authorship abstract text




Jesper Tække and Michal Paulsen:
Digitalisation of education - the theory of the three waves, June 2017
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In this paper, we sketch an empirically based theory about how class teaching seems to change in the era of digital media. The research question is: what consequences do access to the Internet have for classroom based teaching? We propose a dialectic process between ‘new conditions’ and ‘school reactions’ running as a deconstruction of the old closed classroom in favour of an open community between students, teachers and third parties. Yet, the deconstruction does not happen at once. Rather, we suggest that it arises through three waves. In the first wave, the old classroom is opened. Students are distracted and teachers do not know what to do. The Internet becomes a challenge to teaching. In the second wave, attention is drawn back to the educational interaction between teachers and students through the use of social media. In this phase, social media are used to re-stabilise the educational situation and intensify it. In the third wave, teachers and students go a step further, succeeding in establishing educationally relevant interaction with third parties (authors, researchers, foreigners, etc.). Only in this final phase does the Internet become a mean of new perspectives that thoroughly alter the old educational setting.

Keywords: Education, Internet, social media, classroom, theory


Niels Brügger:
Humanities, Digital Humanities, Media Studies, Internet Studies: An Inaugural Lecture, Aug 2015
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Todays expanding digital landscape constitutes an important research object as well as the research environment for the Humanities at the beginning of the 21st century. Taking this state of affairs as a starting point this inaugural lecture presents a vision for how the digital affects the interplay between four areas which until now to a certain extent have been separated: Traditional Humanities, Digital Humanities, Media studies, and Internet studies. The vision is followed by an outline of how it can be unfolded in concrete activities, in the form of research projects, research infrastructure, and research organisation.

Keywords: Humanities, Digital Humanities, Media Studies, Internet Studies, Web

15 Jakob Linaa Jensen & Anne Scott Sørensen:
Publicized modes of appearance and appropriate participation on Facebook, Dec 2014
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This paper discusses performed appearance and negotiated norms of appropriate behavior on the social network site Facebook. Whereas former studies tended to highlight how communicating on Facebook adapts to neoliberal discourses on networking as means of self-promotion and intensified connectivity, we are going to argue that Facebook is rather about an ambiguous performativity of everyday life by which politicized discourses are filtered through social interaction and personal embodiment. Accordingly, we are going to demonstrate, how legitimate discourse on Facebook takes the form of “publicized modes” of appearance and an ongoing negotiation of “(in)appropriate” behavior, shared content and other forms of contribution.

Keywords: social network sites, Facebook, networked publics, connectivity, discourse, performativity, self-accounting, participation, social play, phatic communication, small-talk

14 Stine Lomborg:
Network Analysis - Methodological Challenges, May 2012
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The anthology, Network analysis – methodological challenges, addresses the methodological and analytical opportunities and challenges of studying the internet through the prism and tools of network analysis. Four invited contributions by international scholars present very different conceptual reflections on and uses of network analysis as part of ongoing research within the field of internet studies. Each of the contributions engage some of the core conceptual, methodological and analytical issues raised in various approaches to network analyses of the internet.

Keywords: Network analysis, methodology, internet studies.

13 Rikke Frank Sørensen:
ICT as a tool for empowerment in Uganda, Jan 2010
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The paper presents a case study, which investigates the role of ICT for women empowerment in Uganda. The study concludes that ICT has played a role for improved livelihood and participation in public life; however the facilitation of new spaces for conversation and collaboration has been just as important, as the technology itself.

Keywords: ICT, public sphere, civil society, developing countries.

12 Niels Brügger:
Website Analysis, Jan 2010
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On the basis of an introductory discussion of interactivity, hypertextuality and multimediality, this text sets out, on the one hand, to ask what a website is as an object of study, and, on the other, to propose some elements of a conceptual architecture which may enable us to approach this question and to grasp the website analytically. It is argued that website analysis may address the following three analytical objects: the media environment (Internet and web), the textual environment (desktop, windows, web browser, and ancillary software), and finally, the textuality, which is to say, the textual elements which in a strict sense constitute the website as a textual phenomenon.
The main focus is on the textual elements, their characteristics and their interrelations, and special attention is drawn to the forms and the functions of the website’s paratexts, i.e. the small texts located at the boundaries of the main text (e.g. headings, lists, breadcrumb paths, drop-down menus, and search terms entered into a search field).

Keywords: website, web page, websphere, medium, text, paratext, image
11 Jesper Tække:
Chat as a technically mediated social system, Jan 2009
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This paper provides an analysis of chat as a technical media for communication. This is realized using the strategy for analyzing that I have called Media Sociography (Tække 2006). The Media Sociography is a synthesis of Medium Theory and the Systems Theoretical Sociology of Niklas Luhmann. The aim of the paper is to describe social reproduction under the constraints of chat, but also to show that Media Sociography can provide a unified theoretical framework for CMC-studies. The paper is also indented to provide an introduction to the Media Sociography for an English speaking public.

Keywords: Chat, Medium Theory, Systems Theoretical Sociology, Computer Mediated Communication, Media Sociography.
10 Rune Dalgaard(ed.):
Lev Manovich and The Language of New Media, Jun 2007
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In his book The Language of New Media (2001), Lev Manovich focuses in particular on interface (the language of the screen), operations (e.g. digital compositing), digital illusions and forms (e.g. the database form replacing the traditional narrative form). Referring to space in computer games, database navigation and the materiality of sound, respectively, the three essays in this volume discuss some of the concepts in Lev Manovich’s book.

Keywords: New media, theory, narrative, database, navigation, switching, computer games, space and game space, philosophy of space, art history, the literate composer, the sound object, representation of music
09 Anja Bechmann Petersen:
Mediediffusion, Oct 2006
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Do digital media change our understanding of media in general and specific media types in particular? If so, how do we conceptualize this change? These questions are the focal points of this paper. Analyzing web media as examples of digital media, the paper illustrates changes in the concepts of TV, radio and newspaper. The three specific media are chosen because the field of interest lies in the old mass media organizations. Drawing lines to the broader media landscape, the paper suggests ‘media diffusion’ as a term to conceptualize the changes instead of media convergence and media divergence. By viewing media as discourses the paper proposes six additional media discourses which are all termed media but follow different discursive formations in the diffusion of media.

Keywords: media diffusion, media convergence, the concept of medium, online media
08 Henrik Bødker:
The Changing Materiality of Music, Nov 2004
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A great deal of effort has gone into discussing issues of copyright in relation to the new materialities of the digital distribution of popular music; there has, however, been less focus on the changes that these new developments may invoke with respect to the cultural and social usages of music. Against the backdrop of recent discussions of popular music as material culture it is argued that emergent usages must be seen in relation to accumulations of different materialities and that such a perspective highlights issues related to both aesthetic reflexivity and agency.

Keywords: cultural commodity, materiality, reflexivity, music, MP3.
07 Jakob Linaa Jensen:
Den virtuelle politiske offentlighed – et dansk casestudie, Mar 2003
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Perspectives for the Internet as a new public sphere have been discussed for some time. This paper takes its departure in theoretical accounts on the nature of the ideal political public sphere and examines a Danish political discussion group, dk.politik. It is investigated whether this virtual public sphere fulfils some of the democratic promises affiliated with the Internet. It is concluded that much of the debate is respectful and some individuals claim that they feel more informed and enlightened afterwards. However, certain individuals tend to engage in endless discussions. Further, it is found that the group is not entirely anarchic as informal procedures are used to ensure a decent level of the debate. However, it seems as if the participants are the “chosen few” who use the Internet for enhancing their political participation and interest where as no new groups are mobilised.

Keywords: e-democracy, public sphere, social capital, usenet groups, political participation.
06 Anne Ellerup Nielsen:
Rhetorical Features of the Company Website, Dec 2002
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Recent years have seen a growing body of literature concerned with the World Wide Web as a new form of communication, and numerous discussions on composition, structure and design of successful company websites are being held daily in all kinds of forums within and outside the Internet. However, most of these discussions seem to focus on the technological properties of the Internet or tend to serve purely practical purposes and only few researchers discuss the rhetorical features of web communication, the exception being a limited number of researchers dealing with metaphors on the Web. In this paper I will discuss the functional and the compositional aspects of corporate communication on the World Wide Web by comparing company websites with traditional market communication media. I will focus on linguistic and visual features of the company website and briefly account for some of the media constraints related to the production and reception of company websites.

Keywords: World Wide Web, Corporate Websites, Hypertext, Rhetorical Strategies.
05 Niels Brügger & Henrik Bødker (eds.):
The Internet and Society? Questioning Answers and Answering Questions, Apr 2002
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Through the concepts of materiality, community, modernity and the public sphere, the four essays in this volume engage critically with some of the overall frames for understanding the internet-society nexus that James Slevin puts forward in The Internet and Society (2000).

Keywords: internet, media, society, culture, materiality, community, modernity, computer theory, interface, public sphere, democracy.

04 Jesper Tække & Berit Holmqvist:
Nyhedsgrupper set som selvorganiserende interaktionssystemer: En analysestrategi baseret på sociologisk systemteori, Apr 2002
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In this paper [in Danish] we present a strategy for analyzing communicative systems. The strategy is inspired by Niklas Luhmanns theory of social systems and Spencer Browns theory on form. We illustrate our framework by applying it to some sam-ples from a newsgroup on the internet. The questions to be answered is what communication in the new interactive medium can tell us about social organiza-tion in general, and if it is possible to describe interaction in newsgroups as a specific genre where the distinction between interactive systems and organiza-tions dissolves.

Keywords: social systems, media, form, autopoiesis, newsgroup, interaction, organisation, self-organisation, Luhmann

03 Wolfgang Kleinwächter:
Global Governance in the Information Age, Aug 2001
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Globalization and the borderless Internet are changing not only the world economy but also the global systems of governance. The emergence of new global governance mechanisms like the "Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers" (ICANN) and the "Global Business Dialogue on eCommerce" (GBDe) can be seen as "pilot projects" to explore the feasibility of new policy mechanisms which go beyond the traditional governmental top-down system. Both institutions have introduced new principles in global policy-making like bottom-up coordination, rough consensus, openness and transparency. But they still have to demonstrate their legitimacy and accountability. The publication concludes that with the ongoing globalization and informatisation of law and policy-making, new governance structures will appear which go beyond a system based on the territorial and personal sovereignty of the nation state.

Keywords: Internet Governance, GBDe, ICANN, Nation State, International Law, Domain Name System, New Trilateralism, Global Information Societ
02 Niels Ole Finnemann:
The Internet — A New Communicational Infrastructure, Aug 2001
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By situating the Internet within the general history of media, this paper aims at a characterization of the general properties of the Internet. Firstly, a general model of the five most significant matrices of media in the history of mankind is presented and discussed. Secondly, the paper addresses some of the issues arising from the interrelationships between media in a given matrix as well as the transition from one matrix into another. Thirdly, the paper presents various definitions and approaches to the analysis of the Internet; and finally, the paper concludes with a discussion of properties constituting the Internet as a narrative and discursive space.

Keywords: Internet, media history, hypertext, narrative space, information overload.

Mark Poster:
Print and Digital Authorship, Aug 2001

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The essay explores alterations in authorship and readership brought about by new material conditions of textuality. The argument is that print, broadcast electronics and digital networks each construct authors and readers in different ways. I ask what are the material conditions of authors/readers today? I use Walter Benjamin and Michel Foucault to frame the question of the author/reader in relation to new technologies. I contrast the analogue and the digital, and the printed book with the hypertext. In each case I explore the changed configuration of the subject. I conclude with questions about the nature of the subject in new fields of authoring/reading and connect these with implications for political theorizing.

Keywords: authorship, readership, textuality, new media, internet