Aarhus University Seal

Inaugural lecture: Charles Ess


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On 1 September Charles Ess was appointed Professor with specific duties at the Institute of Information and Media Studies, Aarhus University for a three year period.


In relation to the appointment Charles Ess will give an inaugural lecture entitled 'Global convergences, political futures? Self, community, and ethics in digital mediatized worlds'. Drawing from communication theory and information ethics, the inaugural lecture will examine how emerging new media and computer-mediated-communication correlate with profound changes in both “Western” and “Eastern” societies regarding the self/selves, their relationships with larger communities, and the political implications and possibilities of these changes.


Since 2003 Charles Ess has been a Distinguished Research Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at Drury University, US. He is a leading and internationally recognized scholar in such areas as Internet research, with emphases on culturally-variable elements of Information and Communication Technology and Computer-Mediated Communication; ICTs and democratization; ICTs and religion; Internet research ethics; and Information and Computing Ethics, with an emphasis on cultural perspectives.


In addition, Charles Ess has been a leading scholar in the creation of the biennial conference series CATaC, (Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication, 1998 and onwards), and from 2007 he has been president of the Association of Internet Researchers.


For further information about Charles Ess, please visit his website at http://www.drury.edu/ess/ess.html. Charles Ess can also be contacted via email at charles.ess@gmail.com.


The inaugeral lecture will later be accesible as video podcast.


Inaugural lecture will be held:
Friday 18 September, 14:15
Det lille auditorium, INCUBA Science Park, Åbogade 15.


After the inaugeral lecture a reception will be held at IT-huset's canteen.