Friday April 9th in room 137, INCUBA Science Park (IT-huset), Åbogade 15, 8200 Århus N.
The Center for Internet Research and Department of Information and Media Studies, Aarhus University host an international research seminar featuring Dan Burk, professor at UC Irvine, USA and Jens Schovsbo, professor at University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
11.00 Welcome, overview of the workshop: Charles Ess and Jakob Linaa Jensen (Aarhus University)
11.15 Dan Burk (UC Irvine): Materiality and Textuality in Digital Rights Management
12.00 Lunch (in IT-huset, Aabogade)
12.45 Jens Schovsbo (KU): Copyright, DRM and the Information User
13.30 Panel debate between Charles Ess, Dan Burk and Jens Schovsbo: The future of copyright – what is left?
14.00 The end
Dan Burk: Materiality and Textuality in Digital Rights Management
A fundamental tenet of postmodern rhetorical analysis is the importance of a text’s material substrate to the meaning accorded that text. This insight is also key to copyright law, which subsists only in works of authorship embedded in a tangible medium. As technological changes have increasingly de-materialized texts, copyright holders have turned to technical security systems to re-impose material affordances on creative works. However, the determined nature of such systems imposes unexpected constraints on the use of such works, limiting the prospects for creative interaction with secured texts.
Jens Schovsbo: Copyright, DRM and the Information User
Copyright protects authors and producers in order to foster innovation and creativity to the benefit of society. In recent years, copyright has expanded and now provides not only for exclusive rights directed to the use of information goods and services but also for protection against the circumvention of DRM. This development has overall consequences for the copyright system and for the general balance between the interests of rightholders and of information users. It has in turn lead to a search in the law for new mechanisms to better recognize the special interests of users without neglecting the interests of right holders in receiving an adequate compensation for their creative efforts.
Jakob Linaa Jensen, and Charles Ess,