CFI lecture: My ARTPOP could mean anything
On 3 June CFI-member Lise Dilling-Hansen will lecture about the gender and body performances of Lady Gaga, and how they are negotiated by the fans online and offline.
Like artists such as Price, Madonna and Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga uses the music video as a medium through which she negotiates existing mainstream gender, sexuality and body ideals. At the same time, the artist has managed to apply social media in her gender and body performative work, and even more important; has managed to use social media to create an intimate and personal relation to her fans. In my presentation, I will look at some of the strategies of Lady Gaga in her use of social media. Also I will present empirical examples of how much the daily online contact with Gaga means to her fans, and discuss whether this contact can do more than just sell records – maybe even safe lives. Finally I will bring examples of how this media use not only affects the online lives, but also the offline lives of the fans.
Lise Dilling-Hansen is PhD Fellow at the School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University
The seminar takes place from 13:00 to 15:00 at room 333 in the Ada-building. The seminar will be in Danish.