Seminar: The Internet and social media in the Danish election 2022
On April 24th Centre for Internet Studies hosted a seminar featuring researchers from AU and ITU Copenhagen. Data were presented from a survey on Danish voters’ use of social media and the Internet in general during the 2022 election campaign. The survey and project is sponsored by AU SHAPE.
Jakob Linaa Jensen and Jens Peter Frølund Thomsen from AU presented the survey whereas Lisbeth Klastrup and Gitte Stald from ITU had a particular focus on young people and eæections.
The 2022 results were compared with previous surveys in 2007, 11, 15 and 19. This unique time series give us an insight how the Internet and social media is becoming increasingly important during election campaigns, now more important than newspapers for information and agenda-setting. Project leader and director for Centre for Internet Studies, Jakob Linaa Jensen, is looking forward to dive deeper into the data and to make further results and seminars within AU SHAPE.
The seminar was attended by 25 participants with good and relevant questions.