Digital Marketing in Research and Teaching
CFI seminar April 8th 2024: Digital Marketing in Research and Teaching

Digital marketing practices and technologies are central to the business models that animate digital media platforms. On April 8th 2024 CFI had the pleasure of hosting Òscar Coromina (the Autonomous University of Barcelona) for a series of two workshops where he shared with us his experience with researching and teaching digital marketing practices and methods. In the first workshop, informed by the digital methods approach, we dicussed the different ways in digital market metrics and digital objects can be repurposed for controversy mapping and social science research more broadly. Using Google Ads as a case study, attendees we gained insights into the building blocks of advertising campaigns, metrics, and measurements, and the different ways in which they can contribute methodologically to a more nuanced understanding of the intricate relationship between attention commodification and techno-social controversies. In the second workshop, Òscar shared with us his experience with teaching and supervising topics related to digital marketing.
Dr. Òscar Coromina is currently Serra Húnter professor in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His reserach explore the impact of digital marketing on society, social media dynamics, platformization and emerging trends in digital research methods and, he has extensive experience in teaching, supevising and coordinating master's programs in the the field of digital marketing. His research has been published in journals such as Big Data and Society, Convergence, First Monday and Social Media and Society