New book: News Across Media
Jakob Linaa Jensen from CFI has, together with Mette Mortensen and Jacob Ørmen from Copenhagen University, edited the recently published anthology "News Across Media" on Routledge. The book discusses the changing realities of production, distribution and consumption of news in the social media era.

News production, distribution and consumption are rapidly changing due to the rise of new media. The book examines how these processes become more and more interrelated through logics of dissemination, sharing and co-production. These changes have the potential to affect the criteria of newsworthiness as well as existing power structures and relations within the fields of journalism and agenda setting. The book discusses changing logics of production, from citizens’ as well as journalists’ perspectives, examines distribution and sharing as a link between but also an intrinsic part of production and consumption, and addresses the changing logics of consumption. Contributors place such changes in a historical perspective and outline challenges and future research agendas.
Read more about News Across Media.
The book will be presented at a CFI seminar followed by a reception on 1 September 13.00-16.00 in the ADA-building, room 333 (more information will follow in August).
Questions about the book can be directed at Jakob Linaa Jensen, Head of research on social media, Danish School of Media and Journalism.