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New book on Methods for Analyzing Social Media

Jakob Linaa Jensen from CFI has co-edited a new book on analyzing social media with co-editors Klaus Bredl and Julia Hünniger. The book is a result of the COST Action IS0906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies.

Methods for Analyzing Social Media

Methods for Analyzing Social Media

Edited by Klaus Bredl, Julia Hünniger, Jakob Linaa Jensen

Routledge ­2013, 208 pages

From the description of the book: "Social media is becoming increasingly attractive for users. It is a fast way to communicate ideas and a key source of information. It is therefore one of the most influential mediums of communication of our time and an important area for audience research. The growth of social media invites many new questions such as: How can we analyze social media? Can we use traditional audience research methods and apply them to online content? Which new research strategies have been developed? Which ethical research issues and controversies do we have to pay attention to? This book focuses on research strategies and methods for analyzing social media and will be of interest to researchers and practitioners using social media, as well as those wanting to keep up to date with the subject."

The book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Technology in Human Services. List of contributors and chapter titles.