Aarhus University Seal

New book: The Medieval Internet. Power, Politics and Participation in the Digital Age

CFI member Jakob Linaa Jensen has published the new book “The Medieval Internet. Power, Politics and Participation in the Digital Age” on Emerald Publishing, UK. The book summarizes many years of research on the social and political consequences of the Internet.

In the book, Linaa Jensen argues that terms and concepts originating in medieval society are suitable for describing and discussing a plethora of social and political phenomena, all related to the massive rise and use of new digital media technologies and adherent societal paradoxes, dilemmas and challenges. The author describes virtual pillories, online witch hunts and argues that big tech companies act like “digital feudal lords”, binding the subjects not by their work but by their data.

The book is available here: books.emeraldinsight.com/page/detail/The-Medieval-Internet/ and at all good bookstores.