NEW CFI member: Alexei Tsinovoi

The Centre for Internet Studies is pleased to welcome Alexei Tsinovoi as a new member. Alexei was recently appointed as assistant professor of strategic communication at the Department of Media and Journalism Studies, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University. Alexei has worked in Denmark for some years, most recently as a postdoc at Copenhagen University. His current research focuses on examining digital strategic communication practices by commercial, governmental and civil society actors. By combining ethnographic and digital methods, he has mainly studied topics such as digital diplomacy and transnational digital activism. More recently he has also began working with digital marketing methods and public sector digitalization.
Selected recent publications:
Tsinovoi, A. (2022) 'Enlisting the body politic: Governmentalised technologies of participation in digital diplomacy', in (eds.) Birkbak, A. and Papazu, I. Democratic Situations, Mattering Press: Manchester.
Tsinovoi, A. (2020) 'The management of visibility in digital diplomacy: Infrastructures and techniques' First Monday 25 (5).
The Centre is pleased to welcome Alexei and looks forward to future collaboration. He will present some of his research at a CFI seminar in the fall.
Jakob Linaa Jensen, Director of Centre for Internet Studies