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New Publication in the CFI Monograph Series

Niels Brügger’s inaugural lecture given 28 August is now available as a publication in CFI’s Monograph Series

CFI Monograph Series #16
CFI Monograph Series #16

Niels Brügger has written a new publication in the CFI Monograph Series entitled "Humanities, Digital Humanities, Media Studies, Internet Studies: An Inaugural Lecture". The paper is the written and English version of Niels Brüggers inaugural lecture given the 28 August, as he was appointed Professor (MSO, with special responsibilities) the 1st of June.


Todays expanding digital landscape constitutes an important research object as well as the research environment for the Humanities at the beginning of the 21st century. Taking this state of affairs as a starting point this inaugural lecture presents a vision for how the digital affects the interplay between four areas which until now to a certain extent have been separated: Traditional Humanities, Digital Humanities, Media studies, and Internet studies. The vision is followed by an outline of how it can be unfolded in concrete activities, in the form of research projects, research infrastructure, and research organisation.

The publication is available for download.