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A new publication in the CFI Monograph Series has now been published. The authors are CFI member Jesper Tække and Michael Paulsen.
The previous CFI lecture by Mathieu Jacomy on networks in the study of web in sociology is now available as audio and slides.
On 23 November Mathieu Jacomy from the Sciences Po Paris médialab will give a lecture on networks in the study of web in sociology
Lectures given at the previous CFI-seminar are now available as audio and slides.
On Thursday September 1st CFI will host a seminar and a subsequent reception to celebrate the publication of the book "News Across Media – Production, Distribution and Consumption", Routledge 2016, edited by Jakob Linaa Jensen, Mette Mortensen and…
Jakob Linaa Jensen from CFI has, together with Mette Mortensen and Jacob Ørmen from Copenhagen University, edited the recently published anthology "News Across Media" on Routledge. The book discusses the changing realities of production, distribution…
The 23 of May CFI will be hosting a seminar on big data and the history of online news. Presenters are: visiting scholar Donald Matheson and CFI members Niels Brügger and Henrik Bødker.
In May 2016 Donald Matheson, asssociate professor in media and communication at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, will be visiting CFI.
Lise Dilling-Hansen will defend her thesis on gender and body performances and affective fan experiences of Lady Gaga. The PhD defence takes place Friday 6 november.
Niels Brügger's inaugural lecture from Friday 28 is now available as audio as well as on print.
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